Data Privacy and Protection has become a pressing issue in today’s day and age where technology has penetrated all aspects of our daily lives. Information has become as precious as fuel and therefore, infringement and data leak concerns have seen unprecedented but not unwarranted growth.
Data Privacy is a fundamental aspect of SafetyConnect and we are committed to protecting sensitive information. Our application has gone through rigorous changes to ensure compliance with all the relevant IT requirements and has acquired the necessary certifications.
Business Mode vs Personal Mode
SafetyConnect’s Driving Safety Application analyzes the at-risk behaviors of field employees across 5 set parameters. While this enables organizations to gain valuable operational visibility and insights into the driving behavior of the users, it also raises concerns regarding the privacy of the users post working hours and for any non-work-related trips.
As a company, our app doesn’t monitor the users and capture the data without their consent. If a user is running a personal errand during working hours or going out for dinner with his/her family after work, s/he will have the option to toggle off the ‘business mode’. This step takes the app into the ‘personal mode’, where trip details are exclusively visible to users, ensuring that administrators (the company or us) cannot access this information.
This feature is designed to quench any privacy concerns a user may have and empowers them with complete control over their data, enhancing data protection and privacy measures. By allowing users to switch off the ‘business mode’, the application ensures that sensitive information remains confidential, contributing to a secure and trustworthy user experience while adhering to stringent privacy standards.
IT Security Documents and Certifications
Certification in VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) is crucial for app development to ensure robust security measures, safeguard user data, and protect against potential cyber threats and breaches. SafetyConnect has meticulously complied with all regulatory requirements and obtained VAPT certifications for both its web application and mobile apps, separately for Android and iOS platforms. This ensures comprehensive security measures are in place to protect user data and mitigate potential cyber threats across all digital interfaces.
SafetyConnect is also ISO 27001 certificated, guaranteeing compliance with the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It ensures that our app has established and maintains effective security controls and protocols to manage and protect its information assets, including sensitive data and intellectual property.
We are also GDPR-compliant, meaning we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which guarantees the legitimate, equitable, and transparent treatment of personal data in accordance with certain guidelines.
Data Privacy Policy
We have a detailed Privacy Policy that describes how we collect, receive, use, store, share, transfer, and process your personal information. This form of transparency enables you to make an informed decision.
Our privacy policy covers the following important topics -
- What Information We Collect About You
- How We Use the Information We Collect
- How We Share Information We Collect
- Cookies and Similar Technologies
- How to Access & Control Your Data
- Data Protection Officer
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, we have enough measures in place to guarantee that there will be no infringement of privacy for the users. Our efforts reflect our steadfast commitment to data privacy and protection and maintaining confidentiality and trust among stakeholders.